My name is Matthew Husman and I appreciate the opportunity to introduce Rock
Solid Remodeling, located in Greenville,
South Carolina. The company was formed
to provide remodeling services throughout the Greenville and upstate area. Here at Rock Solid Remodeling we take pride in the fact that all jobs have
been completed on time and in a safe and professional manner. As the owner and operator of Rock Solid
Remodeling , I take pride in the fact that I do one job at a time. This gives me the ability to handle and last
minute problems or changes to the job that may be needed or requested by my
customer. Rock Solid Remodeling offers
a wide variety of services to our customers including minor and major
remodeling projects and additions. The
most fundamental part of Rock Solid Remodeling is our employees. Our people care about job
quality. They take the extra step to ensure correctness of work. All work will receive my personal attention. I
will provide jobsite management, construction scheduling, and continuous
communication with the owner. It is my goal, as well as the goal our employees,
to give our customers the best job possible. Here at Rock Solid Remodeling we strive to provide you with superior service
and craftsmanship.
I would sincerely appreciate an opportunity to work with you on your
future projects where our services would be of value. Thank you for your time. Please contact me with any questions or